"My name is Krysta Marie Cox. I am transgender. I write and draw “comic” style art, heavily influenced by the manga art style, that chronicles my feelings, experiences, thoughts and advice when it comes to that singular experience of transitioning one’s gender. My journey has been painful, but it is said that beauty is pain. My intent is to share that pain in such a way that others may see the beauty in it as well. It is also my hope too, perhaps, to save even one person from the mistakes I have made as well. Mine have landed me in prison and as far as pain goes, being in prison has been the most painful thing I have ever experienced. But again, there is beauty even here, within these prison walls."
The Anthology of an Artist is a manga-style compilation of comics, artwork and prose by Krysta Marie Morningstarr*Cox. It chronicles the tales of an incarcerated trans woman in a Texas men's facility and the incredible life story she has lived.
This book features comics published across several editions of A.B.O. Comix's A Queer Prisoners Anthology Volume 1-4 and Confined Before COVID19, as well as other original comics and pieces of art. Order your copy now! |
A Queer Prisoner's Comix Anthology: Edition I
A.B.O. Comix Edition I is an anthology of stories created by queer and trans prisoners detailing life on the inside. We have collected 26 stories unlike any comic anthology you have read before, both from accomplished cartoonists and first time doodlers. The A.B.O. Comix anthology is a raw, authentic look into prison life from a queer perspective. Proceeds from this anthology go back to the contributors.
If purchasing a copy for a friend or loved one in prison:
Please enter the address and prisoner number upon checkout in the "Note to Seller" field (under the "Review & Submit Order" section) or this purchase will be considered a donation to a person on our waiting list.
A Queer Prisoner's Comix Anthology: Edition II
A.B.O. Comix Edition II is the sequel anthology to our first comic book of stories created by queer and trans prisoners detailing life on the inside. We are featuring comics from many of our Edition I contributors, as well as new artists. The A.B.O. Comix anthology is a raw, authentic look into prison life from a queer perspective. This book features accomplished cartoonists and first time doodlers in an effort to amplify the voices of all LGBTQ prisoners we are able. Proceeds from this anthology go back to the contributors so that they can access commissary & gender affirming items, healthcare and legal support.
If purchasing a copy for a friend or loved one in prison:
Please enter the address and prisoner number upon checkout in the "Note to Seller" field (under the "Review & Submit Order" section) or this purchase will be considered a donation to a person on our waiting list.
A Queer Prisoner's Comix Anthology: Edition III
A.B.O. Comix Edition III is the third volume of our comic book series featuring stories created by queer and trans prisoners that detail life on the inside. We are featuring comics from many of our Edition I & II contributors, as well as new artists. The A.B.O. Comix anthology is a raw, authentic look into prison life from a queer perspective. This book features accomplished cartoonists and first time doodlers in an effort to amplify the voices of all LGBTQ prisoners we are able. Proceeds from this anthology go back to the contributors so that they can access commissary & gender affirming items, healthcare and legal support.
If purchasing a copy for a friend or loved one in prison:
Please enter the address and prisoner number upon checkout in the "Note to Seller" field (under the "Review & Submit Order" section) or this purchase will be considered a donation to a person on our waiting list.
A Queer Prisoner's Comix Anthology: Edition IV
A.B.O. Comix Edition IV is the fourth volume of our comic book series featuring stories created by over 50 queer and trans prisoners that detail life on the inside. This 374 page, full color magnum opus features comics and art from many of our Edition 1-3 contributors, as well as a ton of new artists.
The A.B.O Comix anthology is a raw, authentic look into prison life from a queer perspective. This book features accomplished cartoonists and first time doodlers in an effort to amplify the voices of all LGBTQ prisoners we are able. Proceeds from this anthology go back to the contributors so that they can access commissary & gender affirming items, healthcare and legal support.
If purchasing a copy for a friend or loved one in prison:
Please enter the address and prisoner number upon checkout in the "Note to Seller" field (under the "Review & Submit Order" section) or this purchase will be considered a donation to a person on our waiting list.
Confined Before COVID-19: A Pandemic Anthology by LGBTQ Prisoners
Confined Before COVID-19: A Pandemic Anthology by LGBTQ Prisoners features comics, artwork, poetry and short stories about how the pandemic affected people inside prisons nationwide in 2020.
If purchasing a copy for a friend or loved one in prison:
Please enter the address and prisoner number upon checkout in the "Note to Seller" field (under the "Review & Submit Order" section) or this purchase will be considered a donation to a person on our waiting list.
A Queer Prisoner's Comix Anthology: Edition V
A.B.O. Comix Edition V is the fifth volume of our comic book series featuring stories created by over 35 queer and trans prisoners that detail life on the inside. This full color magnum opus features comics and art from many of our Edition 1-4 contributors, as well as a ton of new artists.
The A.B.O Comix anthology is a raw, authentic look into prison life from a queer perspective. This book features accomplished cartoonists and first time doodlers in an effort to amplify the voices of all LGBTQ prisoners we are able. Proceeds from this anthology go back to the contributors so that they can access commissary & gender affirming items, healthcare and legal support.
If purchasing a copy for a friend or loved one in prison:
Please enter the address and prisoner number upon checkout in the "Note to Seller" field (under the "Review & Submit Order" section) or this purchase will be considered a donation to a person on our waiting list.
A Queer Prisoner's Comix Anthology: Dreams & Nightmares
Do prisoners dream? After all, for many, the act of incarceration was a world ending event. Most lose almost everything: family, friends, jobs, property...all fed to the Nightmarish Machine known as the P.I.C. Yet even at the end, it's never over. It is often a metamorphosis; an invitation for a new beginning. Alone we die by degrees. Together we live the dream. And we won't rest until all of us are free!
This anthology features the comix and art of dozens of contributors on the topic of dreams...and nightmares. Proceeds donated back to the creators commissary accounts to help fund the purchase of food, clothes, toiletries, gender affirming items, medical copays, art supplies and much more!
If purchasing a copy for a friend or loved one in prison:
Please enter the address and prisoner number upon checkout in the "Note to Seller" field (under the "Review & Submit Order" section) or this purchase will be considered a donation to a person on our waiting list.